GA 7123 – Edenhope on Sale

This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia s national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.
At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 1km on the ground. A standard map (which is square) covers an area of approximately 54km by 54km, with a contour interval of 20m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.
Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.
Culbarra Koijak Toolka Lumeah Bracken Lea Tregada Ardwick Carinya Park Brownrigg Bullecourt Immensee Woodlea Ellouera Swanhaven Noorilla Pankina Yiddinga Melness Langlea Wangalere Karowara Maremely Seven Gums Norbury Yatla Farawaye Bogaduck Kianya Brenville Wongalere Huntley Moolah Mundarra Park Rathjen Yarrabee Ayr Lea Nioka Devon Downs Tookamunda Tukamunda Blairmore Brook Park Renishaw Mundarra Meralany Ellwood Kolenda Minnerichi Rowan Park Treehaven Conkar Downs Elderslie Weroona Dinjarrah Greenwood Green Gums Sandwood Kimbarra Springvale Melele Ebon Hue Heathnor Park Prohaskys Atlantis Moorabinda Kalperi Warolim Nerrinyerie Airaines Milbrae Milbore Upsan Downs Wandarra Girra-Ween Caranta Lammermoor Glenara Brolga Downs Glen Avon Gleneden Kadnook Babba Mia Matapara Milo Branvich The Park Genesis Karnlee Park Allara Runaroo Killarney Bogalara Avonlea Glenbecca Glenburnie Aldinga Tarralea Beniagh Ardmeen Afton Hills Harrold Vak Avondale Caroona Mooree Auburns Mobile Eurella Powers Park Athlone Erinvale Weeroona Dorothy Downs Waterside Possum Park Winjallok Westral Distant Springs Milord Halstead Great Heart Heather Wyn Caupaul Targinne Deep Vale Harland Hills Chetwynd South Koolomurt West The Oasis Gilles Downs Morningside Stapleton Aramis Pendera Dorodong Kanawinka Braeside Keranda Heathcote Kanawinka Ridge Rockdale Sutherland Hills Orban Hills Broadlands Hillgrove Prickle Farm Exmoor Brimboal West Cuyuac Hacienda Kinchega Moymore Guyuac Majors Creek Roseneath Avon Lea Willow Springs Wonnat Gilberen Lyndock Park Warrock Steep Bank Redwood Park Warramunga Wando Estate Paramount Wellbrook Glen Hills Ellan Vannin Barnoolut Benowrie Kalabity Rosebank Hill Crest Aredale Wando Bridge Carrawatha Haven Park Ruthven Redfurn The Clyne Meteranvale Nangeela El Cora Retreat Lorraine Bells Hill Edenhope Baileys Rocks Blythes Bridge Boggy Swamp Boilaar Boiler Swamp Bonds Swamp Booroite Creek Brigalbert South Fire Station Bringalbert South Fire Station Brown Reedy Swamp Bunyip Swamp Burkes Bridge Burnip Swamp Byjuke Cairns Creek Canberra Swamp Castines Swamp Cattle Yard Swamp Chetwynd Fire Station Chetwynd Primary School Chetwynd River Chetwynd Telephone Exchange Colins Lake Connewirrecoo Connewirrecoo Fire Station Connewirrecoo Primary School Dergholm Dergholm Fire Station Dergholm Public Hall Dip Swamp Dorodong Bridge Dorodong Creek Dorodong Fire Station Dorodong Public Hall Dorodong Telephone Exchange Duckholes Swamp Dunrobin Telephone Exchange Durong Edenhope Secondary College Edenhope Fire Station Edenhope Mechanics Hall Edenhope Memorial Hospital Edenhope Police Station Edenhope Post Office Edenhope Telephone Exchange Ferres Creek Fitzgeralds Bridge Flacks Bridge Follett Four Mile Swamp Ganoo Ganoo Graham Swamp Green Swamp Honeysuckle Swamp Horse Shoe Swamp Hurleys Bank Swamp Jones Bridge Kadnook Creek Kadnook Fire Station Kadnook Telephone Exchange Knifeater Koolomert Koolomurt Bridge Kurrayah Camping and Water Reserve Lake Kemi Kemi Lake Mundi Lake Mundi State Game Reserve Lake Sheepwash Lake Wallace Langkoop Langkoop Fire Station Langkoop Primary School Langkoop Telephone Exchange Lignum Swamp Long Point Creek Mageppa Mangeela Public Hall McPhersons Creek Meereek Mile Swamp Mosquito Creek Mosquito Creek North Branch Mosquito Swamp Murrandarra Nando Bridge Nolans Creek Nowackis Swamp Poolaijelo Poolaijelo Primary School Poolaijelo Fire Station Poolaijelo Public Hall Powers Creek Red Cap Creek Rocky Creek Roseneath Reserve Salt Creek Salt Creek Bridge Sampey Swamp Sandisons Bridge Scrubby Lake Smokey Swamp Steep Bank Bridge Steep Bank Rivulet The Sisters Swamp Tites Bridge Tooloy Vines Creek Wando Wando Bridge Fire Station Wando Vale Fire Station Wytwarrone Yalla Creek Yallakar Youpayang Sandy Creek Connewirricoo Whittakers Creek Pigeon Ponds Creek Poolaigelo Chetwynd East Morea Chetwynd Wando River
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