
GA 7822 – Melbourne Online Hot Sale

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This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia s national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.

At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 1km on the ground. A standard map (which is square) covers an area of approximately 54km by 54km, with a contour interval of 20m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.

Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.

Locations within this Map

Glen Park Fentondale Fenton Hill Cooinda The Gums Hillside Bundaleer Mount View Ryecroft Bristol Fentona Downs Thors Lodge Talinga Park Moora Gisborne Park Camlartra Kimberly Callistemon Park Box Plains Cederlea Chaldonmeade Marnong Kal Kallo Park Clearview Hillview Emu Bottom Burn Brae Huntly Lodge The Five Mile Grevisfield Tulloch Lindum Vale Breakneck Farm Riverlea Mount Ridley Eumeralla St John Lane Stud Wild Wood Bungarra Brookville Glencairn Valisa Cloncoe Green Hills Daameeli Rockdale Willow Bank Birdwood Park Warlaby Oaklands Tarbert Glasheens Gnotuk Park San Siro Kuluomba Trafalgar Lodge Toolern Park Bimbadeen Cairn Brae Kymala Balbethan Melton Park Middle Park Stud Braemar Linton Park Hilton Djerriwarrah Creighton Woodlands Ridham Park Brooklyn Park Melton Stud Paceway Stud Stoneleigh Warrawong Clare Park Strathtulloch Mount Cottrell Sarbiton Park Glengallon Kintbury Eynesbury Peterleigh Arva Tibbermore Bambra Park Spring Plains Westbrook Oakbank Quondong Park Manor Park Glendevon Glencoe Point Cook Rockleigh Bulla Diggers Rest Melbourne Melton Rockbank Sunbury A B Shaw Reserve A E Shepherd Gardens A J Davis Reserve A W Knight Reserve A W Sanger Reserve Abbotsford Abbotsford Primary School Aberfeldie Park Aberfeldie Primary School Abrahams Reserve After Care Hospital Aircraft Airport West Shopping Town Aitkens Creek Yuroke Albanvale Primary School Albert Park Albert Park Lake Albert Park Playing Fields Albert Park Primary School Albert Park Sports Centre Albert Wallis Reserve Albion Albion North Primary School Albion Primary School Brunswick Football Ground Alexandra Gardens Alfred Hospital Allard Park Alma Park East Alma Park West Altona Altona Bay Altona Coastal Park Altona Gate Primary School Altona Gate Shopping Centre Altona Hospital Altona Meadows Primary School Altona North Altona North Early Childhood Centre Altona North Police Station Altona North Primary School Altona North Technical School Altona Pier Altona Primary School Altona Reef Altona Secondary College Altona Sewerage Treatment Works Altona Sports Park Altona West Primary School Anders Park Angliss Reserve Anonyma Shoal Anstey Appleby Reserve Appleton Dock Ardeer Ardeer Primary School Ardeer Reserve Ardeer South Primary School Ardoch High School Argyle Square Arthur Beachley Reserve Ascot Telephone Exchange Ascot Vale Ascot Vale Primary School Ascot Vale Special School Ascot Vale West Primary School Avondale Heights Avondale Heights Police Station Avondale Primary School Avondale Secondary College Baden Powell P-9 College Derrimut Heath Campus Baden Powell P-9 College Tarneit Campus Baker Island Balaclava Bald Hill Balfe Park Balmoral Park Baltara School Baltara Special School Barbara Bayer Reserve Barclay Reserve Bassett Reserve Bates Reserve Batman Melbourne Batman Batman Automotive College Batman Avenue Bridge Batman Park Bayside P-12 College Bayswater Road Park Beau Monde Reserve Bell Primary School Bellbridge Primary School Ben Alexander Playground Bethal Primary School Beverley Anton Reserve Billingham Primary School Birrarung Marr Black Hills Blessington Street Gardens Blind Creek Boardman Memorial Reserve Boeing Reserve Boggy Creek Bollinda Bolte Bridge Bon Thomas Reserve Bond Reserve Bonnet Rock Bourke Bourke Street Docklands Bowden Reserve Hadfield Secondary College Oak Park Secondary College Glenroy Technical School Braddy Reserve Braybrook Braybrook Secondary College Braybrook Park Braybrook Primary School Breakwater Pier Brighton Brighton Technical School Brighton Beach Brighton Beach Baths Brighton Beach Primary School Brighton Community Hospital Brighton Magistrates Court Brighton Police Station Brimbank City Brimbank Park Broadmeadows Broadmeadows East Primary School Broadmeadows Magistrates Court Broadmeadows Police Station Broadmeadows Post Office Broadmeadows Primary School Broadmeadows Town Park Broadmeadows Valley Park Broadmeadows Water Tower Trig Broadmeadows West Primary School Broadway Reserve Brooklyn Brooklyn Primary School Brooklyn Reserve Brooklyn Terminal Station Bruce Comben Reserve Brunswick Brunswick East Brunswick Girls High School Brunswick East Primary School Brunswick High School Brunswick Magistrates Court Brunswick North Primary School Brunswick North West Primary School Brunswick Park Brunswick Police Station Brunswick Primary School Brunswick South Primary School Brunswick South West Primary School Brunswick Special Developmental School Brunswick Technical School Brunswick Terminal Station Brunswick West Brunswick West Primary School Buckley Park Buckley Park Secondary College Bulban Bulla Bulla Bulla Cemetery Bulla Primary School Bullengarook Burke Hill Burndap Park Burnley Tunnel Rotary Park Bush Reserve Buttlejorrk C B Smith Reserve C C Calder Reserve C G Barker Reserve C W Carlsson Reserve Cabbage Tree Hill Caddayes Corner Deer Park Primary School Calder Highway Calder Raceway Camp Hill Park Campbell Reserve Campbellfield Heights Primary School Campbellfield Primary School Campbells Cove Campmeadows Primary School Carlton Carlton Gardens Carlton Magistrates Court Carlton North Carlton North Primary School Carlton Police Station Carlton Primary School Carlton South Caroline Chisholm Park Caroline Springs College Carranballac P-9 College Boardwalk Campus Caseys Hill Central Pier Docklands Central Pier Wooden Platform Charles Grimes Bridge Charles Grimes Reserve Charles Mutton Reserve Cheetham Salt Works Cherrys Creek Cherry Swamp Chinatown Plaza Chirnside Park Church Street Bridge Churchill Reserve City Magistrates Court City Square Melbourne City West City West Police Station Cliff Whitworth Reserve Clifton Hill Cobbledick Ford Coburg Coburg Cemetery Coburg East Primary School Coburg High School Coburg Magistrates Court Coburg North Primary School Coburg Police Station Coburg Primary School Coburg Senior High School Coburg West Primary School Coburn Primary School Cocoroc Collingwood Collingwood Education Centre Collingwood Magistrates Court Collingwood Police Station Collingwood Post Office Collingwood Primary School Collingwood Secondary College Melbourne Collins Street Melbourne Collins Street East Commonwealth Serum Laboratories Connolly Avenue Reserve Coode Canal Coode Island Cook Reserve Coolaroo Primary School Coolaroo Railway Station Coolaroo South Primary School Cooper Reserve Kings Park Secondary College Delahey Senior Campus Kings Park Secondary College Kambalda Junior Campu Cowies Hill Craigieburn Craigieburn Secondary College Cranwell Park Reserve Crispe Park Crofts Reserve Crowes Hill Croxton Croxton Special School Cut Paw Paw Cyril Clements Reserve Cyril Curtain Reserve D Grieve Reserve D K Grant Reserve D McDonald Reserve D N Duane Reserve D S Bain Reserve Dallachy Island Dallas North Primary School Dallas Primary School Dallas Shopping Centre Darling Gardens David F Thompson Reserve David Phillips Reserve David Spurling Reserve De Chene Reserve Debney Meadows Primary School Debney Park Secondary College Debneys Park Deep Creek Deer Park Deer Park North Primary School Deer Park Secondary College Deer Park West Primary School Melbourne Degraves Street Delahey Community Centre Delahey Emerald Park Dempster Park Denzil Don Reserve Derrimut Derrimut Primary School Deutgam Deverall Hill Diamond Reserve Mount Martin Diggers Rest Primary School Dights Falls Digman Reserve Djerriwarrh Djerriwarrh Creek Djerriwarrh Reservoir Djerriwarrh Special Developmental School Dobson Reserve Docklands Park Domain Tunnel Donald McLean Reserve Donnybrook Donnybrook Mineral Spring Reserve Doutta Galla Doutta Galla Primary School Drey Park Dry Creek Dunstan Reserve E G Pooley Reserve E G Smith Reserve E H Jones Reserve E J Coulson Gardens E J Whitten Oval East Melbourne East Melbourne Police Station East Richmond Eastmeadows Primary School Eastona Park Kindergarten Eastona Park Primary School Edinburgh Gardens Edwardes Lake Edwardes Lake Park Edwards Reserve Egan Reserve Elmhurst Park Elwood Canal Elsternwick Magistrates Court Elsternwick Park Elsternwick Police Station Elsternwick Primary School Elwood Elwood Beach Elwood High School Elwood Park Elwood Police Station Elwood Primary School Emily McPherson College Weaily Creek Ercildoune Reserve Eric Boardman Memorial Reserve Erinbank Secondary College Errington Reserve Essendon Essendon Airport Essendon High School Essendon Memorial Hospital Essendon North Essendon North Primary School Essendon Police Station Essendon Primary School Essendon West Evans Street Wildflower Grassland Exford Bridge Exford Primary School Melbourne Exhibition Exhibition Building Exhibition High School Melbourne Exhibition Street F A Emery Reserve F G Cox Reserve F W Olver Reserve F W Shore Reserve Fairbairn Park Farnham Street Park Fawkner Fawkner Beacon Fawkner East Primary School Fawkner North Primary School Fawkner Park Fawkner Police Station Fawkner Primary School Fearon Reserve Fentons Hill Fisher Reserve Fishermans Bend Terminal Station Fitzgerald Hill Fitzroy Fitzroy Gardens Fitzroy Magistrates Court Fitzroy North Fitzroy North Primary School Fitzroy Police Station Fitzroy Primary School Fitzroy Secondary College Fitzroy Special School Flagstaff Flagstaff Gardens Flagstaff Hill Fleming Park Flemington Flemington Bridge Flemington Magistrates Court Flemington Police Station Flemington Primary School Flemington Racecourse Flemington Secondary College Melbourne Flinders Land Flinders Park Flinders Street Railway Station Fogarty Field Footscray Footscray Primary School Footscray Technical School Footscray Girls Secondary College Footscray Goods Footscray Institute of Technology Footscray Magistrates Court Footscray North Primary School Footscray Park Footscray Police Station Footscray Technical College Footscray West Footscray West Primary School Footscray Yarraville Secondary College Ford Estate Reserve Fountain Island Frank Gibson Reserve Frank Grech Reserve Furlong Park Deaf School G Hallam Reserve G A Bridges Reserve G A James Reserve G F Stirling Reserve G J Cruickshank Reserve G J Hosken Reserve Melbourne G.P.O. G R Gilpin Reserve Galada Tamboore Pathway Galvin Galvin Park Werribee Technical School Gary Davidson Bmx Track Gary Greelish Oval Gaudion Reserve Gavin Park Gellibrand Hill Gellibrand Hill Park Gellibrand Hill Trig Gellibrand Pier Gellibrand Pile Light Gellibrand Shoal Gellies Bridge George Cavanagh Reserve George Griffin Reserve Georges Hill Gibb Reserve Gilbys Hill Ginifer Gladstone Park Primary School Gladstone Park Secondary College Gladstone Park Shopping Centre Gladstone Views Primary School Glen Devon Primary School Glenbervie Glengala Park Primary School Glengala Primary School Glenorden Primary School Glenroy Glenroy North Primary School Glenroy Police Station Glenroy Primary School Glenroy Secondary College Glenroy West Primary School Gloucester Reserve Goods Yard Place Gordon O Keeffe Reserve Government House Gowrie Gowrie Park Primary School Graham Graham Goods Grahams Wetland Reserve Grant Reserve Three Stone Hill Green Hill Green Point Greenvale Greenvale Catchment Reserve Greenvale Geriatric Centre Greenvale Primary School Greenvale Reservoir Greenwich Reserve Guerard Island Gumms Corner H D Graham Reserve H K McCleery Reserve H M A S Tingira Memorial Garden H P Zwar Reserve H Rogers Reserve H V McKay Memorial Gardens H W Foletta Reserve H Weaver Reserve Hadfield Primary School Hampton Hospital Hanmer Reserve Hansen Reserve Harbour Lights Landing Harmony Park Harris Reserve Harry Allen Reserve Hawksburn Primary School Henry B Dempster Park Henry Turner Memorial Reserve Highpoint City Highpoint City Shopping Centre Hobsons Bay Hobsons Bay City Hobsons Bay Secondary College Hoddle Bridge Holbrook Reserve Holden Hooper Reserve Hopetoun Bridge Hoppers Crossing Hoppers Crossing Secondary College Hoppers Hill Hosken Reserve Hudson Reserve Hume Central Secondary College Blair Street Campus Hume Central Secondary College Dimboola Road Campu Hume City Hume Highway Hume Valley School Hutchison Place Reserve Ian Cowie Recreation Reserve Ian J Mcwilliams Park Ian Musgrove Reserve Iramoo Primary School Irwin Reserve Isaac Little Reserve J Murphy Reserve J A McDonald Gardens J E Moore Park J F O Brien Reserve J H Boyd Domestic College J H Morris Reserve J I Stewart Reserve J J Anderson Reserve J J Holland Park J J Jackson Reserve J L Murphy Reserve J P Esslemont Reserve J P Fawkner Reserve J R Riscbieth Gardens J Robinson Reserve J T Gray Reserve J.R. Parsons Reserve Jacana Jacana Primary School Jacana Reserve Jack Tripovich Reserve Saint Albans Special School Jacksons Park Jacobs Reserve James D Bellin Reserve James Malcolm Park Saint Albans Technical School Jeff Florrimell Reserve Jewell Jika Jika John Castley Reserve John Coleman Park John Costello Reserve John Coutts Reserve John Cribbes Footbridge John Fawkner Secondary College John Ilhan Memorial Reserve John McLeod Reserve John Morley Reserve John Wilton Reserve Jolimont Jones Creek Joseph Lanyon Reserve K W Joyce Reserve Kalkallo Kalkallo Primary School Kealba Secondary College Keilor Keilor Cemetery Keilor Downs Secondary College Keilor Golf Course Keilor Heights Primary School Keilor Heights Secondary College Keilor Park Primary School Keilor Park Recreation Reserve Keilor Plains Railway Station Keilor Primary School Keilor Recreation Reserve Keilor Terminal Station Keilor Views Primary School Keith Anderson Reserve Keith Millar Oval Kelvin Thomson Park Railway Reserve Kensington Kensington Primary School Kevin and Sandra Longstaff Field Kevin Flint Memorial Reserve Kevin Shorten Reserve Kevin Wheelahan Gardens Kiah Reserve Kim Reserve Kinder Smith Reserve Melbourne King Street Kings Bridge Kings Domain Kings Reserve Kingsford-Smith Ulm Reserve Kingsville Police Station Kingsville Primary School Kirrip Wurrung Biik Park Kismet Creek Kismet Park Primary School Kororoit Kororoit Creek Kororoit Creek Eastern Branch Kororoit Creek Western Branch Kurunjang Secondary College L D Johns Reserve L J York Reserve Melbourne Latrobe Street Lagoon Reserve Lahinch Reserve Lake Reserve Lake Stanley Lakeside Primary School Lakeside Secondary College Lance Reichstein Playground Langama Park Laverton Laverton Gardens Primary School Laverton Lake Reserve Laverton North Recreation Reserve Laverton Secondary College Laverton Primary School Laverton Plains Primary School Laverton Police Station Laverton R A A F Base Laverton Recreation Reserve Melbourne Law Courts Leo Dineen Reserve Leo Hoffman Reserve Leo O Brien Reserve Les Erdi Plaza Les Rogers Reserve Lewis Reserve Lincoln Square Little Bullengarook Little River Lloyd Reserve Loft Reserve Logan Reserve Lollypop Creek Long Island Melbourne Lonsdale Lorraine Hill Pavilion Lower Yarra Freeway Ludwig Stamer Reserve Luna Park Lynchs Bridge M B Lynch Gardens M C Moran Reserve M M B W Outfall Sewer M W W Clifton Reserve Macarthur Square Macaulay Macpherson Park Macrobertson Girls High School Maidstone Maidstone Police Station Maidstone Primary School Pattersons Creek Maltby Bypass Mambourin Manor Lakes P-12 Specialist College Manorvale Primary School Maribyrnong Maribyrnong City Maribyrnong Park Maribyrnong Primary School Maribyrnong Reserve Salt Water River Maribyrnong Secondary College Maribyrnong Valley Metropolitan Park Melbourne Market Street Maurice & Doris Blackburn Reserve Mayer Park Mayors Park McKechnie Reserve Meadow Fair North Primary School Meadow Fair Shopping Centre Meadowbank Primary School Meadows Primary School Medway Golf Course Melbourne Airport Museum Station Melbourne City Melbourne College of Decoration Melbourne College of Hairdressing Melbourne College of Printing Melbourne College of Textiles Melbourne Cricket Ground Melbourne General Cemetery Melbourne High School Melbourne North Melbourne South Melbourne University Melton Magistrates Court Melton Police Station Melton Primary School Melton Regional Shopping Centre Melton Reservoir Melton Secondary College Melton Shire Melton South Primary School Melton West Primary School Mercy Hospital Merlynston Merlynston Creek Merlynston Primary School Merri Merri Creek Merri Primary School Merri Creek Reserve Merri Park Methven Park Michael Laffan Reserve Michael McCoy Reserve Mick Jordan Memorial Garden Mickleham Mickleham Primary School Middle Brighton Middle Brighton Baths Middle Brighton Pier Middle Footscray Middle Park Middle Park Primary School Milleara Primary School Mobiltown Montague Montague Primary School Montague Special School Montfort Park Moomba Park Primary School Moomba Park Secondary College Moonee Ponds Moonee Ponds Central School Moonie Moonie Ponds Creek Moonee Ponds Magistrates Court Moonee Ponds Police Station Moonee Ponds West Primary School Moonee Valley City Moonee Valley Racecourse Mooradoranook Moreland Moreland City Moreland High School Moreland Primary School Morell Bridge Mossfiel Primary School Mount Aitken Mount Atkinson Mount Bullengarook Mount Carberry Mount Pywheitjorrk Mount Gisborne Mount Holden Mount Misery Mount Ridley P-12 College Mount Tophet Movelle Primary School Murchison Square N G W Anderson Park N L Martin Reserve Napier Park Nelson Pier New Melbourne General Cemetery Newlands Primary School Newlands Secondary College Newmarket Newport Newport Gardens Primary School Newport Primary School Newport Park Newport Police Station Newport Railway Workshops Newport West Primary School Newquay Docklands Niddrie Niddrie High School Niddrie Primary School Norah McIntyre Reserve Norm Raven Reserve Norm Talintyre Reserve Norman Ainsworth Reserve North Melbourne North Melbourne Primary School North Port North Richmond North Williamstown Northcote Northcote Golf Links Northcote High School Northcote Magistrates Court Northcote Police Station Northcote Primary School Northern Golf Course Northern Melbourne Institute of Tafe Collingwood Northern School For Autism Jacana Campus Norval Green Norwood Nymphaea Lily Lake O Brien Hill Oak Park Oak Park Primary School Oak Park Reserve Olives Corner Olrig Field Olympic Park Organ Pipes National Park Ormond Park Overland Primary School P A Burns Reserve P C Brearley Reserve Paisley Paisley Park Palazzolo Park Parker Reserve Parklands Primary School Parkville Parkwood Green Primary School Parliament Parliament Gardens Pascoe Vale Pascoe Vale Girls Secondary College Pascoe Vale North Primary School Pascoe Vale Police Station Pascoe Vale Primary School Pascoe Vale South Pascoe Vale South Primary School Patterson Gardens Paul Hester Walk Paul Huckin Park Peanut Farm Reserve Penfield Aerodrome Pennell Reserve Pentridge Gaol Perce White Reserve Peter Maccullum Hospital Peter Shepherd Footbridge Philatelic Sales Centre Phillip Stokes Plantation Picnic Point Plumridge Park Point Cole Point Cook Metropolitan Park Point Cook Primary School Point Cook R A A F Base Point Cook Senior Secondary College Point Cooke Point Gellibrand Point Ormond Police Mobile Division Port Melbourne Port Melbourne Heliport Port Melbourne Magistrates Court Port Melbourne Police Station Port Melbourne Primary School Port Phillip City South Melbourne Special Developmental School Prahran Prahran College of Technology Prahran Magistrates Court Prahran Market Prahran Police Station Prahran Primary School Presidents Park Preston Technical School Preston West Primary School Prince Henrys Hospital Princes Bridge Princes Highway Princes Hill High School Princes Hill Primary School Princes Park Princes Pier Princess Hill Secondary College Pritchard Reserve Pywheitjorrk Quarry Park Queen Victoria Gardens Queens Bridge Queens Lake Park Queens Park Secondary College R A A F Point Cook R B Douglas Reserve R J Fraser Reserve R K Richards Reserve R Mailer Reserve R R M Dawson Reserve R T Pollard Gardens Raeburn Reserve Railway Canal Ralphe Reserve Randazzo Park Raoul Wallenberg Reflective Garden Rats of Tobruk Reserve Reaburn Reserve Red Hill Red Rock Redstone Hill Rees Park Reservoir West Primary School Richards Reserve Richmond Richmond North Richmond Primary School Richmond South Richmond West Primary School Ridley Ridoutt Island Riggs Hill Ripponlea River Esplanade Riverbank Car Park Robert Barrett Reserve Robert Bruce Reserve Robert C Grieve Reserve Robert Heatley Reserve Roberts Reserve Robinson Rockbank Primary School Rolling Mill Green Rosamond Special School Rosehill Secondary College Rothwell Bridge Rothwell Reserve Upfield Secondary College Roxburgh Park Primary School Roxburgh Park Railway Station Roxburgh Rise Primary School Royal Agricultural Showgrounds Royal Botanic Gardens Royal Childrens Hospital Royal Childrens Hospital School Royal Dental Hospital Royal Melbourne Hospital Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology Royal Park Royal Park Police Station Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital Royal Womens Hospital Rushall Russell Russell Street Ruthven Primary School Rutland Square S Cole Reserve S Fell Reserve S Gandolfo Gardens S J Clement Reserve Saint Kilda Road Police Station Saint Nicholas Hospital Special School Saint Vincent Gardens Samuel Kohry Reserve Sandridge Beach Sandringham Anchorage Sassella Park Sayce Island Sayers Road Bridge School For The Blind Scovell Reserve Seafarers Bridge Seaholme Seaholme Primary School Seaplane Jetty Seddon Selwyn Park Senator Pat Kennelly Amphitheatre Shaws Bridge Shelis Reserve Sheoak Hill Shepherd Bridge Sunbury Special School Showgrounds Shrine of Rememberance Sir Douglas Nicholls Reserve Sk8Er Extreme Skate Park Skeleton Waterholes Creek Skinner Reserve Somerton Somerton Reservoir Somerton Secondary College South Kensington South Melbourne South Melbourne Magistrates Court South Melbourne Market South Melbourne Police Station South Melbourne Primary School South Melbourne Technical School South Yarra South Yarra Primary School Spencer Street Spencer Square Spencer Street Bridge Spotswood Spotswood Primary School Spring St St Albans East Primary School St Albans Heights Primary School St Albans Meadows Primary School St Albans North Primary School St Albans Police Station St Albans Post Office St Albans Primary School St Albans Railway Station St Albans Secondary College St Albans Telephone Exchange St Kilda Alternative High School St Kilda Baths St Kilda Botanical Gardens St Kilda Magistrates Court St Kilda Marina St Kilda Park Primary School St Kilda Pier St Kilda Police Station St Kilda Post Office St Kilda Primary School St Kilda Railway Station St Kilda Road St Kilda Road Central St Kilda South Post Office St Kilda Telephone Exchange St Kilda West Post Office St Vincents Hospital St Vincents Plaza Station Pier Wilson Park Secondary College Steele Creek Stephen Calleja Reserve Stevensville Primary School Stock Bridge Stonnington Primary School Stony Creek Strathmore Strathmore North Primary School Strathmore Primary School Strathmore Secondary College Straughton Bridge Stringybark Hill Sugarloaf Summer Hill Sumner Park Sunbury Secondary College Sunbury Post Primary School Sunbury Heights Primary School Sunbury Magistrates Court Sunbury Police Station Sunbury Post Office Sunbury Primary School Sunbury Village Green Sunbury West Primary School Sunshine Sunshine & District Community Hospital Sunshine College Ardeer Campus Sunshine North Technical School Sunshine High School Sunshine College Sunshine Teaching Unit Sunshine West Secondary College Sunshine College Western Region Deaf Facility Sunshine Golf Course Sunshine Harvester Primary School Sunshine Heights Primary School Sunshine Magistrates Court Sunshine North Primary School Sunshine Police Station Sunshine Primary School Sunshine Technical School Sunvale Primary School Suzanne Cory High School Swan Street Bridge Swanson Dock Sydenham Sydenham West Primary School Sydenham-Hillside Primary School Tallintyre Reserve Tannery Reserve Tarneit Tasmanian Ferry Terminal Tate Reserve Taylor Creek Taylors Dam Taylors Hill Primary School Tedesco Reef Telstra Dome Temple Park The Goods Shed The Grange Secondary College The Tarnuk Werribee Meadows Primary School Thomastown Meadows Primary School Thornbury Thornbury Primary School Tom O Brien Park Toolern Toolern Creek Toolern Vale Toolern Vale Primary School Tottenham Tottenham Technical School Tottenham North Primary School Tottenham Primary School Town Hall Plaza Travancore Special School Treasury Gardens Tricia Mahon Reserve Truganina Truganina Jetty Tullamarine Tullamarine Freeway Tullamarine Primary School Turana Training Education Centre Ulmara Park University High School University Park Primary School University Square Upfield Upfield Primary School Veterans Reserve Victor Ian Foster Reserve Victoria Dock Police Station Victoria Harbour Victoria Market Victoria Park Victoria Park Post Primary School Victoria Park Primary School Victorian School For Deaf Children Victorian College of The Arts Secondary School Victorian P-12 College of Koorie Education Glenr Victorian Railways Technical College Victory Park W E Cash Reserve W E Hubble Reserve W Ison Reserve W J Duggan Reserve W L Floyd Reserve W Mitchell Reserve Wallace More Park Walter Street Reserve Wanginu Park Warr Park Warrensbrook Faire Warringa Park School Waterfront City Docklands Watergardens Wayaperri House Webb Dock Wembley Primary School Werribee Werribee Hospital Werribee Magistrates Court Werribee Park Werribee Park Primary School Werribee Police Station Werribee Post Office Werribee Primary School Werribee Racecourse Werribee River Werribee Secondary College Werribee South West Footscray West Melbourne Market West Melbourne Primary School West Melbourne Terminal Station West Point Trig West Richmond Westbreen Primary School Western Autistic School Western General Hospital Western Highway Western Hill Westgarth Westgate Bridge Westgate Park Westmeadows Westmeadows Heights Primary School Westmeadows Police Station Westmeadows Primary School Westona White City Will Will Rook William Angliss College William Angliss Native Grassland Reserve William Barak Bridge William Symons Park Williams Landing Railway Station Williamstown Williamstown Beach Williamstown High School Bayview Campus Williamstown High School Pasco Campus Williamstown Hospital Williamstown Magistrates Court Williamstown North Primary School Williamstown Pier Williamstown Police Station Williamstown Primary School Williamstown Rifle Range Williamstown Timeball Tower Williamstown Timeball Tower Trig Windsor Windsor Primary School Windsor Technical School Woodlands Park Woodville Park Woodville Primary School Woody Hill World Trade Centre Wylie Reserve Wyndham City Wyndham Special School Wyndham Vale Reserve Yangardook Yangardook Creek Yarra City Yarra Park Yarra Park Primary School Yarraville Yarraville Gardens Yarraville Police Station Yarraville Primary School Yarraville Terminal Station Yarraville West Primary School Yooralla Glenroy Special School Yorkies Rock Zoological Gardens Konagaderra Emu Creek North Campbellfield Germantown Jacksons Creek Broadmeadows Station Campbellfield Lerderderg River Melton South Staughtons Siding Reservoir Saint Albans Edgars Creek Preston West Gilberton Regent Exford Thornbury West Thornbury North Bell Station Bell Moonee Vale North Brunswick Croxton West Northcote Central Ardeer Station Macauley Hotham Hill Brunswick South South Brunswick Station North Fitzroy Brunswick Lower Northcote South Fairfield Park Dennis Clifton Hill East Hotham Parkside Fitzroy Station Collingwood Station Banbrae Park Mount Cotterell Maribyrnong River Moonee Ponds Creek Spencer Street Station Princes Bridge Station Flinders Street Station Jolimont Station Burnley North Sandridge Richmond East Hawksburn Cremorne Burnley Galvin Station Paisley Station River Yarra Yarra River Saint Kilda Saint Kilda Pier Seaholme Station Saint Kilda South Prahran East Prahan East Dandenong Road Caulfield North Saint Kilda Marina Elwood East Elsternwick North Gardenvale West Brighton West North Brighton Gardenvale Brighton Bay Station Brington Beach Manor Hampaton South Werribee Sandringham Hampton

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